Thursday, April 9, 2009

一切完美2 The Perfect Cut 2 - 清迈 ChiangMai Part 1

记得当初拿到剧本时,我开玩笑得向WAWA PRODUCTION 的老板MOLBY 说,剧中DR ALEX TAN 离开新加坡到贫苦 的地方当义工, 一定要出国找个这样的地方`,拍出来才会有真实感。。。没想到他把我的戏言当真。2月尾,我们一组十个人, 便真的飞到清迈取景。哈哈!赚到了!没戏份的DR KELLY LIM(韵仪)自费陪我们,有美女陪着出国,我们一班男的当然不介意。

I remember when I first got the script for The Perfect Cut 2, I jokingly told Molby, the boss of WAWA PRODUCTION that it would be more credible and realistic if filming was done overseas for the part of Dr Alex Tan heading to an impoverished area to do volunteer work. Amazingly he took my word seriously and our crew of 10 flew to Chiang Mai at the end of February. COOL! A "free" trip! Dr Kelly Lim (Michelle Chia) paid her own way to join us and of course, we guys were definitely more than happy to have a beauty join our journey.

Here is the pictorial journal of our trip :

我们启程了!Taking off....


Spotted by the Paparazzi! Michelle and her "mysterious" new boyfriend!?


A slight shock at night when we checked into our "hotel" on our arrival...


which turned into a beautiful surprise when we saw the quaint little hut in the morning light..


On our way to location for filming, this cute little girl caught my eye...

正在准备第一场戏。 (照片是韵仪用我的CANON拍摄的)

Me in "deep concentration" preparing for my scene. (photo courtesy of Michelle Chia with my Canon)

第一天收工了! 可以穿着昨天刚买的泰裤去“探险”了!

YAY! End of the "work" day, time to go roaming in my newly bought "Thai pants"!

All photos taken with my trusty CANON SX1.

待续 be continued..

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hey Everybody.

I will begin blogging very soon... say before 8th Apr 09.